Mp3 Download song Houwitser Shreded To Pieces FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Houwitser song lyrics

Houwitser - Shreded To Pieces Lyrics

It tastes so sweet, can you smell it ? -What is this I feel - Roses
in bloom, April sun and red wine - What is this I feel - Shredded
to pieces - I take some more from the peach of joy - It all happens
so fast - Feels like I can walk on air - It all happens so fast - Let the
sun shine upon me, it's the essence of life - In ecstasy of never
ending sin, I feel divined - It's like bathing in golden light - Now I
never sleep till dawn - the TV is like my sun- Watching my favorite
porn - spanking my monkey some more -Am I this shit faced demon
passed out on the floor - Why did you had to leave me -filthy
stinking whore - Let the rain fall upon me - it's the essence of life -
In ecstasy from vodka, beer and gin, it feels divined - It's like
bathing in a pile of shit - I taste a dead rat in my mouth - What is this
I feel - I throw up from vodka, beer and wine - It all happens so fast -
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